去除eclipise f2功能 去除浮动窗口-CarlZeng
Allow to move mouse into hover Enrich hover 1, 浮动窗口注释改进 你是否在eclipse里使用过这样一个功能: 当鼠标移动到有javadoc注释的接口方法时, 会出现一个悬浮窗。框内显示该接口方法的详细javadoc内容。(如果没有显示,请调大eclipse.ini里的最大内存量-Xmx256m) 而当鼠标离开方法或移动到悬...
Thank you for contacting NetSuite Customer Support regarding creating a custom record type/list similar to the Address tab.
I found that it is not possible using normal customization. To workaround that, you may just create custom record types (Setup > Customization > Record Types) and display them in the tabs of the record where you want to see them.
I hope this information is useful to you. If you have further concerns or questions on this, just email back or call into the toll-free number to re-open this case.
Thank you and have a good day!
Thank you,
Olivia Dy
通过Performancing for Firefox发布Blog - 博客园
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